Tri sélectif et déchèteries

Ensure proper sorting and recycle a maximum of materials

Reduce waste

Become Z’heroes

Three watchwords : Reduce / Reuse / Recycle

  • Reducing waste at source (less packaging, food waste, plastic bags, etc…)
  • Reusing, repairing reselling and donating objects to prolong their lifetime.
  • Recycling, to give materials a new lease of life.

Give to non-profits

Specialised associations and organisms propose the recuperation of clothing and diverse objects :

  • Amitié Partage, 21 rue du Maréchal Foch –
  • La solidarité, 106 boulevard de Belfort –
  • Seours populaire, 13/15 rue Winston Churchill –
  • Emmaüs, 71 rue du Touquet 59200 Tourcoing –


A broken object – now you don’t have to throw it out !
You can repair it with the help of the Repair Café.
Check it out either the first Wednesday of every month from 5 – 7 pm at the Condition Publique, or the 3rd Saturday of each month, from 2:30 to 5 pm at the Jardin du Hêtre.

Selective sorting

All waste streams stemming from selective sorting are used either in recycled products, compost, electricity or biogas.

Recyclable waste streams

To be placed in the container with the burgundy top or in the translucent pink sack :

  • plastics : bottles and flasks (transparent and opaque),
  • metal : tin cans, aluminium cans and trays, beverage cartons,
  • glass : bottles and jars, but not broken glass,
  • paper : newspapers, magazines, print advertising, paper, cardboard, cardboard boxes

Non-recyclable waste

To be placed in the container with the grey lid or in black bags :

  • plastics : yoghurt container, bottles of oil, trays, plastic cups, bags, plastic wraps
  • polystyrene : food containers, pieces of
  • broken dishes (including glass)
  • disposable diapers
  • peelings, food scraps, damaged fruits and vegetables (don’t forget about composting !)

The mobile sorting site

An additional collection point offered to users from spring through the end of autumn.

This year, the mobile sorting site is located at the Place de la Nation? It is open until the end of November 2019, from 10 am to 1 pm.

Wastes accepted at this site are textiles, plastic bottle caps, plant waste, furniture, various voluminous wastes or waste materials stemming from family do-it-yourself projects, EEEW (electrical and electronic equipment wastes) and HHW (household hazardous waste).

This service is intended exclusively for private individuals upon presentation of threir “dump pass”. Moreover, all year long, the regular Sartel dump (rue de Leers) remains open.